Alix Dunn

Profile photo of Alix Dunn

Alix Dunn is a trusted expert, advisor, and facilitator who has shaped the field of public interest technology and worked on issues of society and technology for 15 years. She’s the founder and CEO of Computer Says Maybe, a public interest firm working with academics, activists, and policy professionals to ensure that technology is a positive force in the world. She also hosts the Computer Says Maybe podcast.

Alix is a senior advisor for AI Now and the AI Collaborative, serves on the advisory boards of Foxglove and RealML, and is a trustee of the Ada Lovelace Institute for AI & Society. She’s worked with companies including Mozilla, DeepMind, and System; and for foundations including Open Society Foundations, Luminate, and Ford Foundation; and civil society organisations like Data & Society, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International. 

Before setting up Computer Says Maybe, Alix co-founded The Engine Room, a global non-profit supporting activist organisations to incorporate technology into their work.

Speaker Location Mexico City